To our GIFTu Premium Gifting customers, we are doing some digital housekeeping.
While we are rebuilding our GIFTu website and offer, we have arranged for the temporary redirection here so we can let you know that we are still contactable on the same numbers and emails (below), and are still actively looking after all of our clients with gifting as normal.
If you're just wondering around The Australian Brisket Board™️ website and have stumbled across this page...... Yes we also operate a bespoke gifting brand specialising in the stuff you won't find on Google. See us on Instagram @giftu_premium_gifting
An executive gifting service providing curated gifts for custom builders, medical professionals, property agents, banks, and professionals that are looking for a service that's not mainstream, and designed to deliver the very best experience when wanting to present a client with something special.
email: sales@giftu.com.au
Ph: 0404 942 329 or 0416 557 161